Leadership Development Consulting

Ensure your leadership development and its components are culturally relevant and high impact through a mixture of coaching, advising, and design support.

I channel my experience leading successful leadership programs into helping you develop leadership development approaches, frameworks, programs, and tools that truly makes a difference for your specific audience.

This service is perfect for teams seeking a participatory, human-centered, and iterative process to develop a new program, approach, and tools to unleash the leadership potential of your staff or participants.

Available Offerings:

  • Book strategic advising and coaching calls with me to help you design and implement a leadership development strategy, approach, program, or tool with impact.

  • Get targeted advising, coaching, design and facilitation support that enables you to draw out the essential perspective and stakeholder involvement that will ensure you have a strong user-centered vision for what you're building. This might include focus group agendas, empathy interviews, surveys, and user-testing.

  • Get tailored advising, coaching, and design support to develop a meaningful leadership development approach.  Sample products I’ve developed include organizational definitions of leadership, leadership competency maps, suites of leadership development tools to integrate into a program or employee life cycle, and train-the-trainer facilitator frameworks and workbooks.  I’d work with you to assess what’s needed and refine your vision, synthesize user research to clarify the ‘specs’ of your minimum viable product, prototype and iterate via user-testing to ensure the usability, viability, and value add of your products.

  • Have a clear broad approach in mind already, but need some meeting design or facilitation expertise?  I can support you in crafting and delivering user-centered, fun, and engaging work sessions to make valuable collaboration time fun and productive.

Two team members at whiteboard
Two people brainstorming

“She spent a lot of time listening to us and really digging deep to understand our organization and its needs. Her questions were always purposeful and sparked additional ideas and perspectives for us. Stephanie brings a background and experiences in youth development and education which have been extremely relevant and valuable to our organization's work.

[She] helped us think even more critically about the needs of the youth and families that we serve, and she also used this knowledge to help us navigate the complex dynamics of various stakeholder groups so that we could engage them as effectively as possible in our DEI journey.”

— Karen Chiu, Executive Director at Youth Development Organization

Want to make your great idea a reality?

Let’s unlock your power together.