Leadership Development in Community

Discover new possibilities for your growth and impact, while supporting and being supported by a community of powerful socially-minded leaders.

Social learning uncovers insights only available when learning alongside others and provides an embedded support system that propels the whole group of leaders forward. This can be valuable for teams working together within an organization and for cohorts that bring a variety of leaders together from different organizations and contexts.

Sessions by Topic:

  • Clarifying and Living out Your Values

    Maximizing Your Strengths

    Leading through Change (as an individual)

    Rewiring our Limiting Beliefs

    Mapping & Expanding Your Support Network

    Inner Committee

  • Well-rounded Wellness Reflections

    Energy & Time Audits and Planning for Sustaining Energy

    Understanding/Redefining our Emotional Relationship to Work

    Exploring & Evolving our Boundaries

  • Navigating the Waves of Change with Teams

    Building Collective Capacity to Lead through Change

  • Leading Organizational Change

    Seeing and Mapping Complex Systems

    Identifying Leverage Points within a Complex System

  • The Myth of the Model Minority

    Responding to Triggering Events, like Microaggressions

    Identity-affirming and healing experiences

    Unpacking our Socialization

  • Access the Intercultural Development Inventory ® assessment, get customized debriefs of your results, and co-create a tailored development plan.

Group sitting in a circle at a retreat center

I love creating one-of-a-kind experiences for programs and communities.  This is truly just a sample. My ‘special sauce’ is tailoring and embedding experiences within an intentional arc of development.

If this list above sparks your desire for topics that are not listed, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

  • Group in community

    Connect together.

  • Team in dialogue

    Share together.

  • People reading together

    Learn together.

  • Group at overlook watching sunrise together

    Grow together.

  • People holding a freedom banner

    Expand social impact.

Group sitting on lawn with city overlook

“Stephanie has been fantastic to work with…it was vital to bring her in to help us redesign the program to be effective in a virtual setting. She helped us fine-tune our program objectives, gave us great feedback on evolving the content, and helped us create a culturally relevant and affirming space for people to learn.  

Stephanie truly excels in curriculum development and facilitation. She is instrumental in creating a high-impact program for our nonprofit leaders.”

— Alex Cena, Director of Leadership Development

Ready? Let’s get started.

Reach out to explore what’s possible.